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【Savills】English Housing Supply Update Q2 2020

【Savills】English Housing Supply Update Q2 2020


The number of homes being completed fell by -56% in Q2 2020, compared to the same time last year. On an annual basis, that brought the number of homes delivered down to 217,311 in the year to June. The impact of lockdown on housebuilders was sudden and severe, however, sites were quick to start reopening, with nearly all suspended sites reopened by mid-August. Although completions have rebounded quickly, starts on site have remained at very low levels suggesting developers are cautious about sales rates in the medium term. 

The planning system was able to adjust quickly to remote working in most places. Full planning consents reached 82% of the pre-lockdown level in July 2020.

When compared to the previous year, delivery of new homes has fallen in every region except Yorkshire and Humber. The largest percentage falls were in the South West, West Midlands and North East at over -20%. Supply in London fell 14%, leaving it at half the level needed to meet housing need over the last 12 months.

