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【Zillow】36 Major Metros Where High School Grads Can Afford a Home (Q1 2019 Affordability)

【Zillow】36 Major Metros Where High School Grads Can Afford a Home (Q1 2019 Affordability)


Despite home values climbing for years, the median home in 36 of the country’s 50 largest metro areas is theoretically affordable to households that earn the typical income associated with attaining only a high school diploma. In one market — Oklahoma City — even that degree is not necessary for a household to afford the median-valued home.

In nine additional metro areas — including some of the priciest markets in the country — the income level that generally comes with an associate’s degree puts a household into homeownership territory: Boston, Denver, Miami, New York, Portland, Ore., Riverside, Calif., Sacramento, Salt Lake City, and Washington, D.C. 

That doesn’t mean all homes throughout those metro areas are affordable to all households with those degrees. Rather, the mortgage payment for a median-valued home in a given metro area is considered “affordable” — it does not consume more than 30% of income — for a household making the typical salary of a household with those degrees.

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