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【Freddie Mac】Rural Home Purchases Outpaced Urban Purchases Through the 2010s (June 2021)

【Freddie Mac】Rural Home Purchases Outpaced Urban Purchases Through the 2010s (June 2021)


The COVID-19 pandemic has increased interest in homeowner mobility. There has been a growing trend of moving away from urban areas as housing preferences have shifted towards larger homes that are more conducive to remote work and virtual learning. As a result, more and more people are moving to suburbs and rural towns. One would assume that this trend was the product of pandemic, but our research shows that it was not. The movement away from urban areas began well before any of us heard of the phrase ‘COVID-19.’ Moreover, that movement is to rural areas within metro areas, suggesting that while people may be leaving cities, they are not necessarily moving far from the advantages that cities offer.

