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【World Property Journal】Data Center Demand Explodes in Asia, Reaching Record High Megawatt Absorption

【World Property Journal】Data Center Demand Explodes in Asia, Reaching Record High Megawatt Absorption


According to CBRE research, Asia Pacific data centre net absorption doubled in 2020, reaching an all-time high - with Tier 1 markets, including Tokyo, Sydney, Singapore and Hong Kong SAR, reaching 322 megawatts (MW).

This jump in net absorption was driven by a pandemic-led surge in demand for video conferencing, online schooling, entertainment, social networking and platforms to support remote working - spurring requirements for data storage, computing and networking over the course of 2020.

Singapore and Sydney registered the strongest demand, closely followed by Tokyo. Most demand originated from hyperscale cloud providers, which contributed around two-thirds of annual absorption. Among end-users, demand was led by gaming, over-the-top media services, online content and streaming providers.

