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【Bloomberg】Brexit Housing Crash Fears Stay in London as Regions Catch Up

【Bloomberg】Brexit Housing Crash Fears Stay in London as Regions Catch Up


The Brexit-inspired decline in London’s property values has yet to cause any serious ripples in other areas of the U.K.

While price-growth and activity may be slowing amid the uncertainty, almost every other major urban area in the country is still experiencing a rising market, according to Acadata. It’s a national divide that’s all too apparent to real estate agents in northern England who aren’t too worried about the U.K.’s departure from the European Union.

“It’s a different world from London in the north,” says Jonathan Morgan, sitting in the Leeds office where his property management company Morgans has operated for more than two decades. Reeling off a list from 15 percent interest rates to the global financial crash, he smiles calmly. “It will be fine because we’ll make it so. We’ve faced crises before.”


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2019年3月24日 下午3:00 [GMT+8]


